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Musical Notes


Please, read our agreement before signing. Thank you!

Terms and Conditions

revised in July 2024

1.   The lesson time assigned to each student is a standing weekly appointment.

2.   The lesson starts at appointed time and ends at appointed time. If the student is late, the lesson will be finished at the scheduled time to avoid conflicts with the following student. The student will be charged for the whole lesson. If the teacher is late the student will not be charged for the time spent waiting for the teacher.

3.   There are no refunds/credits for missed lessons or makeup lessons unless outlined in this agreement.


4.   If the student is absent, the teacher will utilize the lesson time to record individualized educational videos and send them to the student or the student’s parent/legal guardian.

5.   The teacher reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher for the lesson he/she is not able to attend. Lessons cancelled by the teacher without providing a substitute teacher will not be charged, or prorated amount will be reimbursed, or the teacher will offer a makeup lesson. 

6.   The student who is sick and provides a note from the doctor will receive a prorated refund for missed lessons due to sickness or the teacher will offer a makeup lesson.


7.   For one reason or another, the teacher or the student can request an online lesson in lieu of an in-person lesson. This lesson will be considered as a regular lesson.


8.   The student who must be absent for more than two weeks for hospitalization or extended illness should request a leave of absence. No charge will be made for this period and tuition will be prorated. The teacher cannot guarantee to keep a regular time for the student who is on leave of absence.

9.   During the leave of absence, the student can request to "hold your spot" to keep the appointed lesson time during the absence period. The cost of this option is 50% of monthly tuition.

10.  In June and July the teacher offers each student up to the total of three makeup lessons on a first-come, first-served basis. Makeup lesson times will be offered during the teacher's regular teaching days and hours. If the student declines the offered makeup lesson times, the full tuition will still be due.

11.  There will be no lessons scheduled on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving break (Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday), Christmas holidays and New Year's break (12/24-01/03).

Payments and Fees

  • The lesson program tuition fees are as follows:   ​

       Lesson Length                      Tuition Fee

        45 minutes                                  $290.00/month

        60 minutes                                  $350.00/month

        Group Lesson Length           Tuition Fee

        60 minutes                                  $150.00/month

  • Adult students/parents/legal guardians will receive an invoice on the 1st day of every month for the tuition fee this month. The due date will be the 1st day of each month as well. Each month is a separate bill.

  • All payments will be processed via credit/debit cards/bank accounts only as recurring payments. For this reason, adult students/parents/legal guardians responsible for payments should save their payment methods online when the first invoice is received and authorize the system for auto payments. In case of a declined automatic draw, it is a responsibility of the adult students/parents/legal guardians to submit a manual payment. 

  • If a refund is due, 1/4th of the monthly tuition will be counted as a credit for one scheduled lesson.

  • Adult students/parents/legal guardians who fail to meet their financial obligations will be dropped.

  • Adult students/parents/legal guardians are able to cancel the agreement at any time starting from the beginning of a new month.

  • GSK Music, LLC DBA PianissiMore reserves the right to change and/or cancel this agreement at any time without any reason or explanation.

Thank you for submitting!

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